Save Our Seeds

Saatgut ist die Grundlage unserer Ernährung. Es steht am Anfang und am Ende eines Pflanzenlebens. Die Vielfalt und freie Zugänglichkeit dieses Menschheitserbes zu erhalten, das von Generation zu Generation weitergegeben wird, ist die Aufgabe von Save Our Seeds.

Foto: Weizenkorn Triticum Karamyschevii Schwamlicum fotografiert von Ursula Schulz-Dornburg im Vavilov Institut zu St.Petersburg

27.01.2005 |

Italy approves tough law on GMO coexistence

A decree by Italian Ag Minister Alemanno has been approved by both chambers of the Italian Parliament with substantial tightenings. It leaves determination of precise co-existence rules to the countries 20 regional governments and prohibits planting of GMO until such regional rules are established. Fines between 5.000 Euros and 2 years in jail are foreseen for breaches. The decree has broad support from the far right to the left with the exception of the GMO industry.</p><p><a href="">Report by Greenplanet</a>

27.01.2005 |

FAO expert consultation of GMO safety

A consultation of experts convened at the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), recommended that any responsible deployment of Genetically Modified (GM) crops needs to comprise the whole process, from the pre-release risk assessment, to biosafety considerations and post release monitoring. Environmental goals must also encompass the maintenance and protection of basic natural resources such as soil, water and biodiversity. Environmental organisations and farmers should be engaged in the process.</p><p><a href="">Monitoring the environmental effects of GM crops</a>

26.01.2005 |

Fischer-Boel announces GM policy shift in Europe

The new EU agriculture commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel wants new European rules for the coexistence of genetically modified crops with non-GM agriculture, she told the "Scientist". Her predecessor wanted to leave the tricky issue of contamination of neighbouring fields to the community`s member states.</p><p><a href="">The Scientist, GM policy shift in Europe</a>

26.01.2005 |

Switzerland: Government tightens law on GM declaration

Cabinet decided on Wednesday to change the current regulation dating from July 1999, which obliges producers of foodstuffs containing more than one per cent of added GMOs to declare it on the packaging. From March 1, the new threshold value will be 0.9 per cent.</p><p><a href="">Swissinfo</a>

25.01.2005 |

EU delays vote on authorising Monsanto GMO maize

EU food safety experts have postponed a vote on whether to allow imports of a genetically modified (GMO) maize made by U.S. biotech giant Monsanto pending further scientific data, officials said on Tuesday. The herbicide-resistant maize, known as GA21, is designed for use as an ingredient in food processing, not for growing. If approved, it would be imported as a finished product.</p><p><a href="">Reuters</a>

25.01.2005 |

Background: Action Aid report on multinational`s global food control

A report of UK based development organisation "Action Aid" highlights the growing power of global food companies. Multinationals have gained control of the global food chain - all the way from seed to supermarket shelf and are threatening the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of poor farmers and undermining their basic rights.</p><p><a href="">ActionAid: 'Power hungry: six reasons to regulate global food companies'</a>

24.01.2005 |

European GMO-free regions conference calls for regional governance

200 delegates from GMO free regions and from 30 European countries called on the European institutions to protect conventional and organic seeds from GMO contamination, to establish the regions right to stay GMO-free and to give them a say in the approval process of GMOs. Over 100 regional and 3500 sub-regional areas are now declaring themselves GMO-free. The conference organised by GENET, The Assembly of European Regions and the Foundation on Future Farming adopted a "Berlin Manifesto" for regional self-determination on the planting of GMOs.</p><p><a href="">GMO free Regions,Biodiversity and Rural Development,conference web site</a>

24.01.2005 |

Monsanto buys world leading vegetable seed company Seminis

Monsanto Co., the world`s biggest developer of genetically engineered crops, agreed to buy Seminis Inc. for $1,4 billion in cash from Fox Paine & Co. and minority investors to gain the largest maker of vegetable and fruit seeds.</p><p><a href="">Seminis: Seminis Reaches Definitive Agreement with Monsanto</a>l<a href="">Bloomberg: Monsanto buys Seminis</a></p><p><a href="">Background on the takeover from various sources</a>

20.01.2005 |

China cautious on GM food crops

While GM food crops are tested in China the government will "not take a decision any time soon" about their introduction according to officials in Beijing.</p><p><a href="">AP: China drags its heel on GM crops</a>

19.01.2005 |

Hungary bans a Monsanto GMO maize seed

Hungary has banned the import and planting of Monsantos MON 810 genetically modified maize seeds and will not allow existing stocks to be planted.</p><p><a href="">Reuters: Hungary bans a Monsanto GMO maize seed</a></p><p><a href="">Budapest Sun: Crop banned</a>



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