04.07.2005 |

Dutch Parliament calls for GM labelling of seed at detection level

The Dutch parliament has, with a large majority, accepted a motion (resolution) demanding a 0,1% threshold of GM labelling in seed:</p><p>"Considering, that seeds and seedlings stand at the start of the multiplication of crops; Determining, that the freedom of choice of producers would be threatenedif propagating material was more heavily contaminated than 0,1% - thisbeing the detection level;Declares, that the detection level of 0,1% in seeds and seedlings willbe adhered to;Requests the government to do all it can to ensure that this norm isestablished in European law"</p><p> The motion was put forward by the social an christian democrats (PvdA, CDA) and the Christian Union (christen unie).Cees Veerman, minister of agriculture said he would strife for a 0,1% threshold in seed at the EU level.</p><p><a href="http://www.saveourseeds.org/downloads/NL-Parliament_seeds01_22_06_05_nl.pdf"> Adopted Parliament resolution (in Dutch)</a>