18.12.2003 |

European Parliament votes for gmo free seeds, eu wide coexistence and liability and calls for moratorium on GMO approvals

The EP today adopted with a large majority (327:52) a report on the co-existence of GM and non-GM agriculture, which inter alia calls for labelling of GM contamination in seeds at the detection level, eu wide coexistence and liability rules and demands that no approvals for GMO cultivation should be approved until such legislation is in place.</p><p><a href="http://www2.europarl.eu.int/omk/sipade2?PUBREF=-//EP//TEXT+REPORT+A5-2003-0465+0+NOT+XML+V0//EN&LEVEL=2&NAV=S">Report as adopted, in all languages</a></p><p><a href="http://www.euractiv.com/cgi-bin/cgint.exe?204&OIDN=1506888&-tt=en">eurActiv: Parliament wants strict EU-wide rules for co-existence</a></p><p><a href="http://www.foodnavigator.com/news/news-NG.asp?id=48708">food navigator: EP adopts contentious report</a>