30.03.2004 |

Copa/Cogeca demands high GMO thresholds in Seed

In a letter to the European Commission the EUs farmer umbrella organisation Copa/Cogeca demands that labelling thresholds for GMO contamination of non-GM seeds should at least be kept as high as initially proposed by the European Commission (0,3 to 0,7%) and should even be extended to GM varieties, which have not yet been approved within the Community for planting.</p><p><a href="http://www.saveourseeds.org/downloads/copa_cogeca_18_03_04.pdf">Copa/Cogeca letter (in french only)</a></p><p><a href="http://www.saveourseeds.org/downloads/sos_letter_copa_cogeca_29_03_04.pdf">A letter from Save our Seeds to the member organisations of Copa Cogeca (english)</a>